Hannes Geist – Freelance software developer


IT consulting, development and maintenancewith full-stack software and web development


CMS & eCommerceWordPress, WooCommerce, Magento


All modern web technologiesPHP, Laravel, node, JS, Svelte, React, CSS, Google-Cloud, AWS, webgl

WordPress, WooCommerce, Laravel

Whether you need a WordPress site, a WooCommerce store or a Laravel application – I have the know-how to turn your vision into reality.

WordPress and WooCommerce: I will build you a flexible, user-friendly website or a powerful online store that is tailored to your needs. With customized themes and plugins, I make sure that your site not only looks good, but also runs smoothly.

Laravel: When it comes to custom web applications, I rely on Laravel. This powerful PHP framework allows me to develop complex and customized solutions that are both robust and maintainable.

I am also very familiar with the old Magento 1: If your store is still running on Magento 1 and you need maintenance, development or a transformation to a new store system, you’ve come to the right place.

Power in the front end

For front-end development, I rely on Svelte and React. While Svelte delivers raw speed and cutting-edge principles, React is used for WordPress block development and many other extension systems.

Svelte is particularly suitable for building modern components for old, outdated environments. So that you can run conflict-free in your classic frontend.

FullStack at full speed

Whether PHP, Laravel, Svelte, Rust, Node.js, JavaScript or CSS: I work with the latest technologies and the best frameworks. My motto: maximum development speed and cutting-edge solutions.

Of course AI is included: without copyright and data protection risks. I rely on selected AI assistants that comply with European data protection standards and do not use any copyright-protected code. This ensures that your application remains fun even when our reality catches up with AI.


My applications are designed for longevity. You get clean code with clear comments, diagrams and easy-to-read structures. So that a possible successor does not have to rewrite everything.

15 years of experience

Benefit from my 15 years of experience in web app and webshop development! No matter what system or database you have: I have seen and developed it in some form before.

Optimization – it works!

Your developers say: “This project is a lost cause!” I say: “Challenge accepted!” I analyze your project, select the best technology and plan the transformation process in feasible steps. I always keep an eye on the legal and security aspects.

No nonsense

IT consulting without overpriced offers or unnecessary upsells. Your goal is the focus. No expensive additional modules without a good reason. Only solutions that really make sense.

Open Source

Open source is often the key. Why pay for expensive software when there is a free, customizable alternative? However, if a fully developed module from the marketplace is the best option, then that’s exactly what I recommend.

Let’s go

Fancy getting started? Write to me, book a video call or use my free chat.

  1. You will receive a non-binding initial assessment from me.
  2. In a subsequent meeting, we take a closer look at your scenario and determine your goals.
  3. I work out your requirements and propose milestones and a roadmap.
  4. You receive an offer. After acceptance, off you go.

In the event of acute problems, I will help you immediately, collect the necessary data and send you an order processing contract. The firefighting can begin!

Basic SEO

I am not an SEO expert, my core business is IT consulting. But I can set up your website or webshop so that your site appears on Google. And I can show you how to manage these SEO settings yourself.

Before your website goes live or when I carry out a review of your site’s basic SEO settings, I will implement basic recommendations such as configuring social media accounts, adding social media share buttons to your articles and setting keywords and meta descriptions based on the recommendations in the SEO module. I will also point out and check that your images are provided with the necessary alt and title texts.

Other basic recommendations such as setting some internal links and avoiding the crawling of unimportant pages, the correct configuration of the sitemap are also included.

SEO experts

To achieve a first place on Google, it is not enough to simply publish a website and implement these SEO basics. With luck, this can work for niche products. I can recommend SEO experts for every budget to help you achieve first place in the search engines.

In addition, conversion rate optimization is often necessary. I can also recommend the right CRO experts for this or support your experts in the technical implementation of the necessary adjustments under their direction.

SEO plugins

There are well-known WordPress plugins such as Yoast SEO for initial SEO optimization. I use Squirrly SEO because it offers a lot of automation and knowledge transfer even in the free version.

Setting up Google Business

If you wish, I can implement the basic setup of a Google Business account and then transfer ownership of the account to you.

Installation of Google Analytics and other pixels

I will create a Google Analytics account for you and set up the corresponding tag for your site. I also have experience with the basic configuration of Google Tag Manger.

Alternatively, you could use Matomo (formerly “Piwik”) or other tag managers.

For a detailed setup and advice on Google Analytics and others, I will then refer you again to the SEO experts I know.

Freelancer programmer

As a freelance programmer, I have had many opportunities to develop apps for companies using various languages and frameworks. Ask me about it: I will review your project context, consult with your project management team and provide a non-binding initial assessment.

My IT consulting includes the complete analysis, planning and implementation. If I can’t do it myself, I will recommend suitable experts and frameworks.

Systems, Frameworks, Libraries

In the past I have used React, Vue, Svelte, Laravel, Symfony, AngularJS and of course the Zend 1 Framework in connection with Magento M1.

I have developed and maintained websites in Contao CMS, Joomla, Drupal and WordPress and set up stores for companies with Magento, Shopware, Oxid and WooCommerce as well as Isotope Commerce,
further developed, maintained and optimized for SEO or
independently optimized for speed on the server side and in the frontend.

I have also built up a solid foundation in Blender and implemented the preparation and integration of 3D content in websites with webgl and threejs.

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